Friday, August 27, 2010

John Cusack Is Edgar Allen Poe!

The best news I've heard all week has just crossed my table. The always awesome John Cusack (High Fidelity, 1408, Grosse Point Blank) has been cast as Edgar Allen Poe in the flick, The Raven. The flick is to be directed by James McTiegue, whom previously helmed the fun V For Vendetta and the superbly grotesque Ninja Assassin.

In the film, Poe will investigate a series of murders happening in and around Baltimore in 1850. The news comes via Cusack's Twitter.

I'm really praying for the best here. Cusack is a fine actor and I believe McTiegue has the ability to direct a really great movie, so let's hope this is it!

Scream IV Extends Shoot!

This is an interesting tidbit. Heat Vision is reporting they've learned the Scream IV script is 140 pages long and the shoot is being extended by another few weeks. For those that don't know, 1 page in a screenplay is roughly considered 1 minute, so that would make Scream IV 2 hours and 20 minutes long. By Slasher movie standards...that's pretty fucking long. For what the material is, it's too long if you ask me. So I'd expect a lot of scenes left to rot on the cutting room floor. The new wrap date is scheduled for September 24th and Scream IV is dated for release on April 15th, 2011.

The first teaser one sheet for this is kind of...bland, so here's a sweet UK Quad for the original.

At Last! Iron Fist Is Coming!

Marvel have announced that Rich Wilkes (xXx, xXx: State Of The Union) has been hired to write the screenplay for The Immortal Iron Fist. Iron Fist is a minor Marvel creation, created in the 1970's at the height of the Kung-Fu boom in the US. The plot is as follows; "Iron Fist is Daniel Rand, a man who discovered the mystical city of K’un-L’un when he was a child. He returns as an adult, but after a tragedy in which his wife and son perish he’s helped by the natives and introduced to a martial arts master named Lei Kung, who discovers that he has an aptitude for fighting. After he defeats the dragon Shou-Lao, he plunges his hands into the creature’s heart, forging his hands into nearly indestructible weapons." 

Marvel + Kung-Fu = my ass in front row, opening day.

Satoshi Kon Has Passed On...

Satoshi Kon, Japanese Anime master and director of Tokyo Godfathers & Perfect Blue has died, aged 46.

Kon had been in pre-production on his newest film, The Dreaming Machine. He is also the director of Paprika, a film Christopher Nolan credited as being a massive influence on Inception.

Rest In Peace.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

So Danny Boyle's New Film Looks Amazing....

The trailer for Danny Boyle's (Trainspotting, 28 Days Later, Slumdog Millionaire) newest flick, 127 Hours has hit the web, courtesy of the guys over at The plot involves a live-to-explore young man, whom gets stuck in an isolated area...for 127 Hours!

Check the trailer below!

Biking! Hiking! Getting Stuck!

Ladies & Gentlemen...The Walking Dead...

Here's a trailer that needs no introduction...

The Walking Dead will premiere in early November on FXUK.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Batman Returns And Kick Ass!

I'd like to take a few moments here to pimp a film I just caught last night. After finding a copy and checking it out under massive recommendation, I sat down and took it in. And boy, what a movie it is.

Batman: Under The Red Hood is the 2nd (correct me if I'm wrong) feature length, animated Batman flick, following Mask Of The Phantasm. I watched MATP just a bit before Red Hood, and loved it. But Red I hadn't caught animated cape crusader since my days of running down stairs at 6am to check out a double bill, before school. The 90's Batman series is classic, so I had high hopes for this one.

Instead of yapping on about it (and I'm sure a lot of you guys know about it already), I'm just going to link you guys to where you can buy it. Trust me, I wouldn't recommend buying something unless it was that fucking good. This is better than The Dark Knight. Batman Begins. Even Burton's quirky Batman.

Classic Batman awaits!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Scott Pilgrim! PREPARE TO FIGHT!

Check back tomorrow for my review of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World!

One word to describe the review might be, oh, I don't know...


DeNiro/Jovovich/Norton = Stone!!!

Not since Frank Oz's The Score has the awesome team-up of Edward Norton and Robert DeNiro graced our screens, so I'm pretty excited for this one. Stone tells the story of an Inmate (Norton) who uses his girlfriend to seduce his warden (DeNiro) in order for him to do some bad(ass) shit. Check below for the poster courtesy of the guys at JoBlo!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Quick Recap!!!

Hey folks, bit of a long post here. I haven't updated the blog in a few days due to coming down with food poisoning (which isn't fun) so I've decided to gather all the awesome shit that's happening over the next 2 months into one big post! And let me tell you guys, if your taste in cinema is relatively similar to mine, you're going to be broke and happy as could be, very soon!

So, without further adieu!

First off, if you guys are wondering what to check out this week, I implore you, check out Alexander Aja's Piranha 3D. Not only is the flick a total blast and a great time at the movies, but if people go and check this out in the theaters, then maybe we'll get a sequel! And trust me, you will want a sequel. With more blood & gore than you could shake a stick at, Piranha 3D needs your €10!

Also in the next coming months, we're being treated to some kick-fucking-ass Blu's. So no better time to switch to High-Def than now!

In a few months, we'll see the release of Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan. The thriller tells the tale of two rival Ballerina's at a Dance Academy. Sounds strange, right? But with the cast involved and the director...well, I've got to catch this one.

The next few months is looking pretty sweet, right? Hope you guys are as stoked as I am!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jean Reno Takes 22 Bullets!

Fuck yeah, Jean Reno back in action! Er, well, at least he's seeing some action. Here's the first clip for his newest flick, 22 Bullets. The synopsis for the film is as follows; "A retired mobster goes on a revenge spree after being left for dead with 22 bullets in his body by his former childhood friend". 

Sounds like perfection to me! Check out the clip below, from the guys at EmpireOnline!

Why'd they have to shoot the dog!?!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wes Craven's Newest Gets A Really Bland Trailer!

Wes Craven's My Soul To Take trailer has just hit the web, courtesy of the guys at Yahoo! Movies.

Look, I'm a big fan of Craven's. I really dig the original Last House, Nightmare On Elm Street was fun and  Scream is a 90's gem. Hell, I even liked the Unrated cut of Cursed. And I couldn't be more hopeful for Scream 4...I'm praying it's his big return to form (PLEASE DON'T SUCK). But this just looks like a by-the-numbers Slasher flick. A little of A Nightmare On Elm Street 2 meets The Covenant. But I guess we can hope it's at least an entertaining by-the-numbers flick.

Anyway, check below for the trailer!

My Soul To Take!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Darren Aronofsky's Latest - Black Swan!

Not too much news going today, but a hell of a lot of trailers. I would post them all for you fine folks, but then only some of them are worth checking out. Here's one that definitely fucking is; Black Swan. It's a movie about two rival Ballerinas (Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman) directed by the same dude that did Requiem For A Dream and The Wrestler. Colour me intrigued...Click the link below to check out the frightening trailer!

Black Swan Trailer #1 HD!!!

Good stuff, right?

Viva Machete! New Clip Hits!

The very cool guys at JoBlo have given us the gift of a clip from Robert Rodriguez's Machete! Kind of a strange clip to choose from...but it's pretty cool none the less. Check out Danny Trejo chowin' down below!

 Machete + Eggs = Strangely Awesome

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World News!

Disappointing news here guys & girls, Edgar Wright's newest flick, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World has opened poorly. Very fucking poorly. Opening in No. 5 on it's first weekend, Scott Pilgrim pulled in only $10.5 Million (which might sound like a lot to some of you, but it's next to nothing to Hollywood suits).

So, now the purpose of the article. I am begging you guys, the general public, to check this movie out. Following the flick as it was being made, it's evident how much work Wright and everyone else in the cast & crew have put into this. It's an original, out there, substantial and stylish flick that promises to blow us all out of the water. I'll have my review up on the 24th of this month, so check it out, then check the movie out, too!

We need to rally flicks like this, so Hollywood will keep Directors like Edgar Wright on the payroll!

The Thing Prequel Poster!

Over at the Australian International Film Festival, the guys at Encore Magazine snapped a shot of The Thing Prequel poster! The flick is slated to drop April 29th, 2011 and stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Joel Edgerton. I'm concerned as to how this will actually turn out as John Carpenter's original is one of my favourite films of all time. Here's hoping it's, shit!

I've blown up the image for you guys, as it's pretty fucking hard to see what's actually going on within.

Monsters Trailer #1 hits!

The trailer for the indie-effects-laden Monsters has hit the web, courtesy of the good guys & gals over at Apple. I loved District 9, so I'm getting the vibe this is a little of the same, which excites me for sure. Hearing that it was made on such a low budget is great too. Hopefully we'll get a great back to basics, frightening creature feature.

Check it out below!

 Monsters Trailer #1

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Alamo Drafthouse brings us new Poster Art!

Several classics are getting a showing for a Film Festival in the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas soon. As part of this Fest, the guys over there have created some sick new art for the likes of Robocop, On The Waterfront, Convoy, Dirty Harry, etc. So head on over to the link below and check out the trailers & art for the flicks.

Pretty fucking awesome, right?

Star Wars is coming to Blu-Ray!

The Star Wars Saga is coming to Blu-Ray in 2011, so says the guys over at IGN. From the article, they say George Lucas announced yesterday the series will be going High-Def in Autumn of 2011, it will contain numerous deleted scenes (including never before seen ones!) and all the extras that came with the DVD releases. The prints that LucasArts are transferring as the 2004 clean cuts, so no original prints here, but hey, Star Wars is finally coming at least, right?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Karl Urban is Judge Dredd!

Some pretty awesome news just crossed my desk tonight. Karl Urban has been confirmed to star in a 'dark, gritty, violent' adaptation of Judge Dredd, so says the producers of the flick. It has also been confirmed that Dredd won't be taking off his mask. Odd, right? Either way, this news has me uber-excited.

Urban's previous credits include Star Trek, The Bourne Supremacy & Pathfinder.

The Expendables Review!

Hey folks, as promised (but a little late) here is my review of The Expendables!

As the lights went up in the theater, there was a quick moment went my mind raced with opinions. Did I like what I just saw? Did I love it? Was it all I was waiting for? And the dreaded; was it disappointing? After a few quick moments of thought, I decided The Expendables is good fun but flawed. Massively flawed. Now before I get too into the specifics, know this, I was ready for a huge letdown. So with my hampered expectations, I grabbed my ticket and took a seat.

The Expendables opens with the titular team facing off against a team of Somalian Pirates. The Pirates are holding a group of who-the-fuck-knows hostage for the ransom of $5,000,000. Now, Sly's team don't take so well to Terrorists, Pirates or other groups of scum, so naturally Sly, Statham, Li and company break out the big guns and massacre the group. This opening sets the tone for the movie you're about to watch. High on action and testosterone, low on story. Who knows who these guys are? Who are the hostages? Does anyone care? Admittedly, I was too caught up in the 'splosions and gun play to give a shit about any of this and that's kind of how I stayed for the rest of the film. Good guys meet bad guys, good guys kill bad guys, the movie ends, we all go home.

For a film that promotes itself as being an homage to 80's action films, Sly relies very heavily on CGI (which wasn't available in the 1980's). That's fine, but could he at least have gotten some good fucking CGI? From shoddy laser-sights to ridiculously obvious CG gore, these shots really take you out of the fluidity of each scene making you think to yourself, "well that was definitely computerized". It's just plain bad oversight on Stallone's part as director of the film. Get straight man! Fire your effects team!

The part of the film everyone cares about is the cast. Stallone has assembled arguably the best possible for this kind of film. He's got Jet Li, Jason Statham, Terry Crews, Mickey Rourke, Randy Couture, Steve Austin, Dolph Lundgren and Eric Roberts. I like the fact that each member does get their one little set piece and I think Sly wisely chose a set piece similar to what each cast member is famous for. Li gets some martial arts in there, Austin and Couture get some signature wrestling moves in, etc. So for that, I'm happy. The chemistry between the group is for the most part excellent, too. The scenes between Sly, Li & Statham in particular work really well, as each actor just bounces off each other creating a real 'working man's atmosphere'. They cover all the important topics of conversation here folks; Knives, Women, Guns & more Knives. Oh yeah.

And this would be no review without mentioning the fabled scene between Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger. If you bought a ticket to see Willis and Schwarzenegger kick ass and take names, man, you bought a ticket for the wrong movie (because there isn't any such movie!). Here the trio share a 3 minute scene where the exchange quips about new jobs, old jobs, each others weight and that's about it. Before you know it Schwarzenegger is out of the picture and Willis is following suit. Don't get me wrong, it's a very cool scene (it's an action lover's delight) but I just wish more could have come from it.

Looking back over this review, it all sounds so negative. I wish to just clarify, The Expendables is a blast when it gets going, but bad CGI, a weak plot and missed opportunities hold it back from being THE FUCKING EXPENDABLES. So, if your looking for something light, dumb and loud as hell, check it out!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Get ready for LMS: Killerbook Of A Bounty Hunter!!!

Some pretty sweet details crossed my way when I logged on to AICN this evening. A new adaptation is coming, this time in the form of a Picture Book (sort of) called Last Man Standing: Killerbook Of A Bounty Hunter. Cool name, right? Well, the movie sounds even cooler...Check out the synopsis below and check out AICN for the full story!

"Last Man Standing, or LMS, takes place 600 years in the future, in an alternate universe and is about Gabriel, this invincible soldier, who's been created to help win a a war Earth got itself too deep into with Mars. After Gabe wins the war, he comes back down to Earth and is celebrated as this incredible hero. From there, he becomes somewhat of a celebrity, a Superman of this story, but then it all takes a quick turn. Gabriel is framed for an atrocious crime, by a terrorist organization known as Pandemonium and their leader, Dante. He is then sent to Level-9 Facility, where he'll spend the next nine years in the worst prison of all time. Once Gabriel breaks out, only then does his true story begin, and the lies and twists unravel."

Grindhouse comes to Blu!!!

Another reason to jump on the Blu-Ray wagon, Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez's Grindhouse is coming to the HD format on October 5th! The full fucking thing! The Blu will feature the theatrical version, along with Planet Terror & Death Proof extended cuts. It also features extended cuts of Werewolf Women Of The S.S, Don't! & Thanksgiving! And their's a fucking commentary for everything!

Wow, looks to be a real extensive release. I can dig the fact the Weinstein's waited so long to put this guy out, as it never made that much money in the first place, so thank God Vivendi decided to give it a release.

The Artwork for the Blu is below!

Grindhouse is available on Blu-Ray on October 5th. It will be a Region A release, with possible Region Free Discs. You can pre-order on Amazon or

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Skyline - From the Directors of AVP2...

The world's finest filmmaking duo Colin & Greg Strause are back with a vengeance (from their epic fail that was Aliens Vs. Predator 2) with Skyline. An Alien flick...I'm sensing a bit of a one trick pony here.

Anyway, the trailer for the new flick has hit Apple.Com, so check the link below, for a surprisingly (and I mean surprisingly) decent trailer.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kevin Smith's Red State!

Finally, after years of production turmoil, Kevin Smith's Horror attempt numero uno, Red State, is getting off the ground. Michael Parks (Kill Bill, From Dusk 'Til Dawn) has been cast as the lead antagonist. The plot of the film was discovered by Bloody-Disgusting.Com today; "In the film a group of kids encounter a crazed preacher (based on Fred Phelps, founder of the Westboro Baptist Church) who gives a whole new meaning to the term "extreme fundamentalism."

Sounds pretty crazy, right? Can't wait to see what this guy can pull off. Can you imagine Clerks meets Extreme-Christianity?! 

HD Junkies Unite!

Just a little quick post here guys, to share some great news I just caught this morning. The Almighty Bargain Bin that is Play.Com has reduced the pre-order price for the Alien Anthology to €53.49! Now, if you want the best possible print of this movie (and from what I'm hearing, as good as prints can possible fucking get) buy this set now. Seriously, every fucking extra under the Sun is available on this Blu. Everything! It'll be like traveling back to 1979, 1986, 1992 or 1997 and being present on set for the filming of utter Classics.

So loosen those purse strings baby, you're about to get bang for your buck.

                                                                  Alien Anthology Blu-Ray

The Expendables Review!!!

Don't forget to check back here on Friday folks, where I'll have my review for the (hopefully) mind-blowing, Stallone flick The Expendables. The review goes live at 9pm, so put aside whatever the fuck you had planned for Friday @ 9pm and be here!!!

George Miller's Fury Road Cast Grows!!!

George Miller's Mad Max: Fury Road (Mad Max 4) has officially found it's 5 Wives. Riley Keough (The Runaways) will play one of the group also known as The 5 Wives. Now, the plot isn't exactly known to us all, but we've been told that in this outing, Max must protect this group of women from some villainous bastard.

Joining Keough is the already cast Tom Hardy as the titular character Max and Charlize Theron in an unspecified role (perhaps a villainous bastardess)! I for one can't wait to see a 4th outing for Mad Max, as Beyond Thunderdome always left me feeling empty. Not that it is a bad movie, I just think it's not a Mad Max movie. Many years have passed since Miller took a stab at the character, so it'll be interesting to see a fresh pair of eyes in the form of Hardy. Also, if you don't know who Tom Hardy is, he starred in Rock N' Rolla, Christopher Nolan's Inception and as the balls-to-the-walls Bronson. Ms. Keough's acting resume isn't as extensive, with one or two small roles, but I'm sure Miller has made the right choice!

Monday, August 9, 2010

FXUK Premiere The Walking Dead Footage!

FXUK have announced they will be premiering footage online tomorrow for AMC's The Walking Dead! Fuck yeah! The footage will be online at approximately 2:00pm here in Ireland and the UK, over on the FXUK website. Excited much? I know I am! October can't come soon enough.

I'll be posting the footage as soon as it comes available, so check back here and FXUK for updates.

The Walking Dead airs from October on FXUK, channel 164 on Sky Digital.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Scott Pilgrim's Lucas Lee - Posters!

Scott Pilgrim's nemises #2, Lucas Lee has been kind enough to send some posters over to Lovely of him, isn't it? Take a look at the posters beyond, in the link. Prepare for hilarity! These things have a shocking Seagalesque similarity...

"The good news is you're going to live...the bad news is, he's going to kill you." EXCELLENT!

Lucas Lee's Action Doctor and more, lie beyond!!!

The Other Guys Director to make The Boys! (Confused?)

Director Adam McKay (fresh from his gig on Will Ferrell's The Other Guys) is going to direct an adaptation of Garth Ennis' Comic-Book, The Boys. The Boys tells the story of a ragtag group of undercover Police, whose job it is to monitor, intimidate and sometimes kill Super-Hero's. Sounds awesome, right? I think so too. has the full story along with an interview from McKay. Check it out below!


Friday, August 6, 2010

Resident Evil: Afterlife clipage!

Maybe it's because I'm tearing through Resident Evil 5 on the Xbox 360 again, but I'm fucking hyped for Paul WS. Anderson's new flick in the Video-Game adaptation franchise. Now, I'll admit, I loved Resident Evil, loathed Resident Evil: Apocalypse and thought Resident Evil: Extinction was lacking, but fun. Sure, from a technically...hell, even a Cinematic stand-point, they're not great movies. But they are perfectly OTT, mindless, gory, trigger-happy movies (which is a good thing, in my opinion).

And so I wait with anticipation for the 4th movie in the franchise. This time Anderson has brought Real-D 3D to the table, along with wife Milla Jovovich again. Enough about me, you say!? Okay, well click beyond to find the clip!

Resident Evil: Afterlife - Official Site

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Outcast - New Irish Horror

Ah, Irish Horror I loath thee. After a spat of the shittiest of shit Horror flicks coming out of my beloved country (Shrooms, Freakdog to name but a few), here comes another one; Outcast. But apparently, this is actually a very good movie. "Intelligent" says Fearnet. AICN calls it "Excellent". Hrmmm. Could it be?!

Anyway, here's the trailer & UK Quad for the flick. Let's hope for the best with this one.

Outcast Trailer #1 -

La Femme Nikita coming to CW in Sept!!!

A reboot of La Femme Nikita is on it's way to the CW on September 9th. The date was announced at this years Comic-Con (I'm late with this, I know) and it stars Maggie Q (Die Hard 4), Xander Berkeley (24) and Aaron Stanford (The Hills Have Eyes, X-Men 2).

I'm actually pretty stoked for this one, as I've just ordered Luc Besson's 1990 flick Nikita on Blu-Ray. So far as I know, the CW has only ordered 1 episode, so let's see how this one plays out. Will you be watching?

The Avengers teaser hits!!!

Tantalizing as it may be, this teaser feels pretty bland to me. I mean, having the narration from Samuel Jackson as Nick Fury is great, but it's his lines that just seem very...blah? I know I'll be front row on opening night, lapping up "HULK SMASH" and "AVENGERS, ASSEMBLE"...but for now, I'm more concerned with Captain America and Thor (and the Blu release of Iron Man 2!!!).

I've tried to upload the teaser right here, but Marvel keep cutting off my chances with Youtube, so here's a link from the lovely lads at AICN!

                                                                  Avengers Assemble!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

G.I. Joe is getting a sequel...In other news; IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD

It appears the hot water Stephen Sommers (The Mummy, G.I. Joe) landed himself in with Paramount has cooled. He's now 99% attached to direct a sequel for the company. Channing Tatum is also tapped to return as  SGT. whatever-the-fuck-you-call-him.

Did anyone actually like G.I. Joe: Rise Of The Cobra? I mean, I was definitely excited, mainly due to seeing two rival Ninja's battle it on with Military tech gear, etc. But man, that movie was just not good in any way. Shoddy CGI, awful script, devoid of emotion acting, absolutely 0% charm. Really, it was just a computerized mess. Which is why I'm going to pass on this one, I think. Please, if it turns out to be any good, someone let me know.

Insert Plug Here

Here at Rebel Without A Site, I like to give my general thoughts on Film & Television stuff while also tapping out a few reviews here and there. But I'd also like to take the time now to link you guys to a trailer for the film a friend of mine is currently shooting (I'm also in it! Shameless, I know). So between reading all the fantastical shit on this Blog, please take the time to check this out;

Chocolate For Breakfast - Teaser #1

ECSC (Empire-Cover-Study-Column) #1!

Being a total nerd, I have always been interested in Cover-Art for Film & Television Magazines. So, with this blog I'm hoping to do a monthly column, on what I think is the very best Film Magazine out there - Empire. In each monthly column, I'll be posting the cover along with my brief thoughts on it! So here we go guys, First Column, first Issue. Without further adieu...

With Scott Pilgrim right around the corner, Empire has chosen this month to don their covers with a badass Michael Cera, wielding what can only be described as THE COOLEST WEAPON OF ALL TIME. I heard (during production) that people working on the flick were calling it Super Mario meets Five Deadly Venoms. That description just gets me all kinds of excited. Come to think of it actually, if you had told me 12 months ago that the squirmy kid from Superbad and Youth In Revolt would be on the cover of Empire swinging a Samurai sword...hell, I don't know how I'd have reacted! But so far I'm really fucking digging this video-game style Wright has brought to the table with Pilgrim.

Also covered in the rag this month are Shlock flicks; Machete, Piranha 3D, The Human Centipede, etc. And judging from the little sub-heading, they may have a full interview with the new Spider-Man - Andrew Garfield.All this content and the kickass cover really make this Issue pop out at me. Have to have it!

And so that's it folks, for my first Empire-Cover-Study-Column...let's just call it ECSC. Yeah, that sounds better.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Troma post!

Looks like Troma are back! Hurray! Well, back distributing flicks anyway (not until Toxie 5!). Here's the trailer for Father's Day, a new Gore/Comedy/Action/Horror piece. Click the link below to check out the trailer on Vimeo. Also, this is NOT SAFE FOR WORK.'ll get your ass fired if you're caught watching this...I warned you!

"You ever heard of Chris Fuckman?" - Father's Day Trailer!

Saw V - VII writers scribing The Outer Limits!

I thought MGM was bankrupt? Anyway, the ruined company has hired Marcus Dunstan and Patrick Melton to write a feature length script for The Outer Limits. If you're not familiar with the show, it ran for years in the 1970's and then again from like 1998 to 2002 (these dates are probably wrong). While the Saw flicks aren't my favourite, I'm genuinely intrigued by this news. A feature of The Outer Limits could be excellent, if done right. But then nostalgia is a deadly weapon, so perhaps I'm remembering the show as amazing when all it really was was series upon series of Twilight Zone rips. Either way, let's hope this comes to pass!

Origin story from Variety!

Katie Holmes + Guillermo Del Toro's newest!!?

The trailer for Guillermo Del Toro's Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark has hit the web folks. And it looks wonderful, to say the least. Creepy, atmospheric, evocative. Fucking awesome!!

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark trailer #1 HD

Click the link to enjoy guys!

Monday, August 2, 2010

More Walking Dead news!

Well, not really news, but stuff concerning The Walking Dead! Here's a link to a great little site for Robert Kirkman's monthly Comic Book, soon to be adapted into an hour long series for AMC. If you're eagerly awaiting the show do check out the books, as they're probably the best Comic on shelves right now. Here's the link for you good folks!


Battle: Los Angeles one-sheets hit the net!

This morning, Empire showed off 5 new posters for Johnathan Liebsman's new flick, Battle: Los Angeles. The movie tells the story of several soldiers caught up in an Alien attack on a big US City (heard that one before, right?).

Click the Empire for more Close Encounters!!