Friday, August 6, 2010

Resident Evil: Afterlife clipage!

Maybe it's because I'm tearing through Resident Evil 5 on the Xbox 360 again, but I'm fucking hyped for Paul WS. Anderson's new flick in the Video-Game adaptation franchise. Now, I'll admit, I loved Resident Evil, loathed Resident Evil: Apocalypse and thought Resident Evil: Extinction was lacking, but fun. Sure, from a technically...hell, even a Cinematic stand-point, they're not great movies. But they are perfectly OTT, mindless, gory, trigger-happy movies (which is a good thing, in my opinion).

And so I wait with anticipation for the 4th movie in the franchise. This time Anderson has brought Real-D 3D to the table, along with wife Milla Jovovich again. Enough about me, you say!? Okay, well click beyond to find the clip!

Resident Evil: Afterlife - Official Site

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