Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World News!

Disappointing news here guys & girls, Edgar Wright's newest flick, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World has opened poorly. Very fucking poorly. Opening in No. 5 on it's first weekend, Scott Pilgrim pulled in only $10.5 Million (which might sound like a lot to some of you, but it's next to nothing to Hollywood suits).

So, now the purpose of the article. I am begging you guys, the general public, to check this movie out. Following the flick as it was being made, it's evident how much work Wright and everyone else in the cast & crew have put into this. It's an original, out there, substantial and stylish flick that promises to blow us all out of the water. I'll have my review up on the 24th of this month, so check it out, then check the movie out, too!

We need to rally flicks like this, so Hollywood will keep Directors like Edgar Wright on the payroll!

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