Wednesday, August 4, 2010

ECSC (Empire-Cover-Study-Column) #1!

Being a total nerd, I have always been interested in Cover-Art for Film & Television Magazines. So, with this blog I'm hoping to do a monthly column, on what I think is the very best Film Magazine out there - Empire. In each monthly column, I'll be posting the cover along with my brief thoughts on it! So here we go guys, First Column, first Issue. Without further adieu...

With Scott Pilgrim right around the corner, Empire has chosen this month to don their covers with a badass Michael Cera, wielding what can only be described as THE COOLEST WEAPON OF ALL TIME. I heard (during production) that people working on the flick were calling it Super Mario meets Five Deadly Venoms. That description just gets me all kinds of excited. Come to think of it actually, if you had told me 12 months ago that the squirmy kid from Superbad and Youth In Revolt would be on the cover of Empire swinging a Samurai sword...hell, I don't know how I'd have reacted! But so far I'm really fucking digging this video-game style Wright has brought to the table with Pilgrim.

Also covered in the rag this month are Shlock flicks; Machete, Piranha 3D, The Human Centipede, etc. And judging from the little sub-heading, they may have a full interview with the new Spider-Man - Andrew Garfield.All this content and the kickass cover really make this Issue pop out at me. Have to have it!

And so that's it folks, for my first Empire-Cover-Study-Column...let's just call it ECSC. Yeah, that sounds better.

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